STRATES - latin stratum, means layers. A poetic metafor indicating the nature of my creative process. I don’t fear time, the multiple treatments, the resistance of each material. My work is a dialog between void and density. Raw brutality and extreme delicacy coexist in my pieces as equals. Mastering the movement used as a tool to express unity and balance between all elements. I avoids any kind of hierarchy among beauty and ugliness. I stalk like a hunter the life of each situation and tries to let it free. My works are there for people to explore themselves. There is always something big to share, i try to reveal it and make averybody’s way to it a pleasant no return adventure. Are we experienced or still in the process? My goal is to make you love the process. A silent hope of unity using the ways of this wonderful art called dance.

Since the first steps Strates was associated to quality. The company is invited by great theaters and festivals and continues to atract excellent artists it’s the team. Strates is grateful towards the following structures for their support since the creation of the company . We thank deeply :

DRAC AURA, Les Subsistances -Lyon, Abbaye de Royaumont, CCNT Tours, CCN de Mulhouse -Ballet du Rhin, CCN de Biarritz -Ballet Malandain, KLAP MAison pour la Danse-Marseille, CDCN Pôle Sud -Strasbourg, Le Gymnase-CDCN Roubaix -Hauts de France, Micadanses, Centre National de la Danse à Lyon, Studio UMA- Laval, TROIS -CL Luxembourg, Emmetrop-Bourges, La Fonderie -Le Mans, Théâtre du Marché aux Grains-Bouxwiller, Théâtre La Coupole - Saint Louis, le Fort du Bruissin, Studio Lucien-Lyon, STUDIO CHATHA, Studio Danse & Cie, Académie Nini Theilade, Ecole Meyrieux.

Strates was selected to be one of the two companies per year to be supported by Réseau des Petites Scènes Ouvertes during 2020 & 2021 .

Fondation Cléo Thiberge-Edrom - Fondation de France, honors Strates with generous support since 2017.

Strates figures among the companies supported by Réseau Grand Luxe in 2017.